Launch Your Practice

What is a Mastermind Course for Therapists?

Meagan Hamilton Season 1 Episode 17

My Mastermind Course has been running since May 2023 and I am so excited to tell you about it! This has been my beta-version and it has been such a wonderful experience for the participants. 

This episode with share what a Mastermind program can offer you and some of the specific benefits. This program is an amazing opportunity for therapists in private practice and has been a game changer for the participants!

If you are interested in boosting your private practice business, this course is for you. My application process is OPEN NOW and will close on September 15th, 2023. 


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Hi friends, it's Megan with Launch Your Practice. So glad that you're here to join me. I would like to speak today a bit about what a mastermind is for therapists. This is something that I've been offering now since the end of May with a select group of therapists and the outcome has been absolutely amazing. We are finally on the home stretch. We wrap up in October and it has been a wonderful experience both for myself and the participants. So, I do get a lot of questions about, what is a mastermind, what is a mastermind for therapists, how does this even work? It's such a neat, amazing experience and it's truly been such a wonderful offering for me because I've been supporting therapists in my group practice for several years to kind of expand that reach and connect with therapists outside of my own community, within British Columbia, within Canada, and it's been wonderful to meet on a regular basis. So that's what I want to talk today about on the podcast is what exactly is a mastermind and what are the points that I want to share with you because I'm offering another one coming up really quick here and I'm gonna limit it to less participants per group. So prior to May, I did have 14 applicants. I met individually with all of these people. There is an application process, not because there's a right or wrong type of therapist for this program, but just because I had chosen a particular focus. Being that I was working with therapists who were at least one year into their private practice. And so moving into the fall some really great learning that I've discovered is that I'm going to offer two streams of this program level one, meaning you're getting ready to launch your private practice. Maybe you've done some parts or pieces, but you haven't actually launched yet. or maybe you've just launched in the last three months or less. So that'll be the level one therapist that I'll be working with. And I am going to limit that to six participants. And then the level two is going to be in clinical practice for a minimum of one year. And this is to refine, to edit and expand your current private practice. So maybe there's parts of your practice that you want to work on. Maybe you want to focus on marketing maybe consistent referrals, connecting with the community networking with other therapists and, you know, building your brand really. doing a website overhaul maybe touching base with some SEO support those kind of things. So there'll be more presentations and experts that I'll be inviting in the level two group to come in and speak about various topics that are specific to really expanding and growing your private practice. So those are the two differences and applications are open. Now you can see the link in the show notes. I will be accepting applicants only until September 15th and we will be starting at the end of September. And this will be a weekly contact with myself and the group over a secure app. And then we meet every two weeks over zoom. So if you have any questions about that, please don't hesitate to send me a message on any of my socials and, or email me and I'll include all that information in the show notes. So today, what I want to talk a little bit about is some of the key highlights as to what you can expect out of a mastermind group. So first and foremost, you know, professional growth is. a real big part of this. So this is not just attending a training or a lecture or a webinar. It, it has some clinical components, but this is truly professional growth as far as business. So whether that's looking at attracting clients marketing strategies, different business aspects of your private practice. So there's not a lot of opportunity available for this. Definitely there's clinical training, there's always you know, education and trainings available, but from a private practice business perspective, there's limited opportunities for this. So, the professional growth factor is significant and it's definitely something that you're going to receive in the mastermind group. The other part that I want to highlight. So this is number two is with respect to peer support. So as we know, if you're already in private practice or maybe you've already thought about this is private practice can be quite lonely. So we're often working in isolation or if we're sharing a space or an office with another therapist or people we might be kind of like two ships passing in the night, right? We might be sharing a space and so working opposites. So the peer support component is Game changing 100% This is one of the best outcomes of this mastermind group and it's been consistent across the board feedback That I've received thus far is how amazing it is to feel supported by other people who are doing the same work. Feedback and consultation is another point, so this is the third point I'd like to make today, So, feedback and consultation goes hand in hand with peer support, but ultimately we're going to have We're going to need to converse with other therapists who might be in a similar position. Do I leave my group practice? Do I start going solo? Is it time to raise my rates? Just conversation and feedback around some of these key components is a real game changer and it's been an amazing opportunity for my group member participants to really get that feedback from their peers. The other parts that I want to talk about today are accountability. So we do make goals and, and it's, it's quite specific based on each person, what they're looking at and what they're working on. But the accountability piece of meeting every two weeks and sharing what you want to work on, maybe some of your struggles business wise or what you're looking at expanding on and then having the group and myself. Check in with you around that. How's that going? Is that a realistic goal? You know, how are you managing that? And the chat support that's available on the secure app Monday to Friday really allows us to support one another and check in around those goals and how we're doing and supporting one another. Always make some of these difficult goals feel easier. I can certainly remember sitting at a table with a colleague of mine starting out and we were both quite new in private practice. So, you know, we spent a lot of time trying to brainstorm and solve some of the problems. But the beauty of the mastermind group is that everyone comes with such different experiences and they've been working in private practice. or, you know, for the level one participants, I'm there to fully offer support and share everything I know about private practice and getting started. So somebody knows something at the table, and that Always makes it easier as far as learning and building success. Then the next point I want to chat briefly about is problem solving. And this goes alongside accountability as well. It's, determining what areas of your private practice do you want to work on and grow and expand, and then figuring out how to tackle that, how to ask people for the support and again. You know, as far as the accountability, ensuring that we're following through one example of the current mastermind that I'm a part of right now is somebody wanted to shift one of their contracts. So there was an opportunity for them to decide not to renew a contract. So looking at a list of pros and cons together and figuring out where to supplement some of that income the participant was able to make a decision and felt really confident and secure about it. And this was something that they were unsure about for some time. So the power of a group can be really helpful and allow muddy or unclear situations feel a little bit easier. Confidence building is. probably one of the most important things that's come out of this current mastermind. Just feeling the support of a group and knowing that there's a group that cares for you and is checking in with you and supports your goals and wants to see you succeed truly helps build confidence. I think Private practice is a perpetual state of overwhelm for multiple years starting out. There is a lot of uncertainty, confusion, mixed information, and ultimately it just feels isolating, and overwhelming. So the confidence building that comes from being a member of a mastermind changes all of that and really allows you to feel more secure in some of your decision making. It'll make you feel more confident in meeting with your clients and expanding and building your practice. The last point I want to talk about today is the reduced isolation piece. So it definitely goes alongside the peer support part that I spoke about already, but private practice can be quite isolative. So if you're not part of a peer consultation group or group supervision, which many people are not, This definitely provides an opportunity to discuss personal growth, self care, how we're emotionally managing the work. So again, this group doesn't go into the clinical aspects of client care but it definitely speaks to how we're managing and balancing our work life components. So just having that group. Check in on us, assist and manage our own care and well being just makes us be better private practice clinicians. So those are the points that I was hoping to review with you today. I definitely am really excited to launch this next, 2. 0 version of my mastermind, given that the beta version. Is just on the final home stretch here. We'll be wrapping up in October and I really look forward to hopefully interviewing one of my mastermind participants so that they can share some of their personal experiences being in the group. And I definitely look forward to sharing some of the feedback that I've been given from the group members as far as some of the outcomes and changes that they've noticed during the course of the Mastermind. So, if you've heard of a Mastermind before and maybe you've been curious about it again I am accepting applications for the next course. And you don't need to decide what level you're in. You just need to complete the application. And I'll be reviewing it and then making contact with you and setting up a call to talk about suitability and Readiness and to see if now is the right time for you to invest the energy effort and you know the finances too it is the program does cost money on a monthly basis and we will be starting as I mentioned at the end of september And we will be wrapping up before Christmas. So the goal here is that we're gonna take a deep dive in work really hard through the fall months, wrap up in time for the holidays and then take that information that we've learned over those months and be ready to hit the ground in the new year. So if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. I'm really passionate about this program and I think it's an absolute amazing format for therapists. So, thanks for tuning in. Check out the show notes and I look forward to hearing from you.

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